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Publish date: 93 / 09 / 09 | Rating: Article Rating


Characterize novel cytoskeletal and membrane-modulating effector proteins involved in the development and plastic adaptation of the morphologies and function of cells.

Subjects: Biology

Topic: PhD Thesis / dissertation: characterize novel cytoskeletal and membrane-Modulating effector proteins Involved in the development and adaptation of the plastic Morphologies and function of cells.

Contact: PD Michael boiler

Reply to: michael.kessels@med.uni-jena.de

Institution: Institute of Biochemistry I, Jena University Hospital - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

Location: 07743 Jena, Nonnenplan 2-4.

2 PhD position in Cell biology / Neurobiology / Biochemistry in an internationally well-known research lab (B. Qualmann & M. M. Kessels labs)
(Project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); RTG1715; 3 years - extension possible)

available to characterize novel cytoskeletal and membrane-modulating effector proteins involved in the development and plastic adaptation of the morphologies and function of cells.

The Institute for Biochemistry I provides a stimulating research environment with excellent technical equipment in a recently completely reconstructed building right in the centre of Jena - one of the top-ranking and most lively biotech and university cities of Germany (ranked 2nd in the career atlas of all German cities – right behind and chasing Munich!).

The aim of our internationally well-known research team is to gain a molecular understanding of how the cortical actin cytoskeleton and specialized proteins, which are able to modulate the topology of the plasma membrane, shape cellular compartments and entire cells. Such processes contribute to development, plasticity and function of cells and cellular networks, such as those formed by neurons in the brain.

We are currently studying several molecular players at the membrane/actin interface and are characterizing their role in both cytoskeletal and membrane dynamics. For literature providing topic and method overviews please see the following related examples of first-author papers of (former) PhD students in the lab:
Braun et al. 2005 Mol. Biol. Cell; Ahuja et al. 2007 Cell; Dharmalingam et al. 2009 J. Neurosci.; Koch (D) et al. 2011 EMBO J.; Schwintzer et al. 2011 EMBO J.; Koch (N) et al. 2012 J. Cell Sci.; Schneider et al., 2014 J. Cell Biol..

We are seeking productive additions to our team
-       for studying membrane and actin dynamics in cell lines, in primary neuronal cultures, and in tissue sections and
-       for molecular/mechanistic studies e.g. using in vitro reconstitutions of actin dynamics and of membrane interactions and modulations, respectively.
-       for unraveling mechanisms of regulation of such components, in particular of the actin nucleator Cobl, in calcium signaling-dependent physiological processes, such as synaptic plasticity during learning and memory, as well as in pathological conditions (stroke – this work will be conducted in collaboration with the Department of Neurology of the Jena University Hospital)

Applicants should have a solid theoretical and practical knowledge of modern biochemistry, cell and/or neurobiology and experience in analyzing neuronal functions and brain organization (PhD1) and/or in deciphering and functionally characterizing protein modifications in regulatory pathways (PhD2).
Knowledge of advanced methods of fluorescence microscopy (time lapse, spinning disk, TIRF, structured illumination....) and/or of biochemical and biophysical methods required for studying actin cytoskeletal dynamics and membrane interactions both in vitro and in vivo are highly appreciated.

Candidates need to be distinguished by a high motivation to succeed in science and to work independently. However, it is also crucial to integrate into our team smoothly and to be a kind, efficient and reliable team-player. The PhD projects will be integrated into the RTG1715.

Knowledge of the german language is not required because of the internationality of our group, of the RTG and of life in the young and vibrant university town of Jena. Fluent English, however, is a prerequisite.

Starting date: January - March 2015 (flexible)
Further information: www.biochemie.uniklinikum-jena.de/biochemie/en/Biochemistry+I.html

Please send your complete application (CV, incl. 2-3 ref. addresses, PubList, certificates & grades) to
Prof. Dr. Britta Qualmann & PD Dr. Michael M. Kessels
Institute of Biochemistry I, Jena University Hospital - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Nonnenplan 2-4, D-07743 Jena, Germany
via E-Mail (PDF preferred): michael.kessels@med.uni-jena.de

The FSU Jena is an equal opportunity employer promoting the advance of women in science.

Jena is ranked second in the German career atlas (chasing Munich)!
"That Jena scores so well is the result of a successful combination of research, education and economics."
"University: 25% of all inhabitants are students. Jena is a very young and lively city. The job market is hot."
"Jena is well-known as internationally leading place for optics. Companies, such as Carl Zeiss, Jenoptik and Schott set global standards."

Applicants should have a solid theoretical and practical knowledge of modern biochemistry, cell and/or neurobiology and experience in analyzing neuronal functions and brain organization (PhD1) and/or in deciphering and functionally characterizing protein modifications in regulatory pathways (PhD2).
Knowledge of advanced methods of fluorescence microscopy (time lapse, spinning disk, TIRF, structured illumination....) and/or of biochemical and biophysical methods required for studying actin cytoskeletal dynamics and membrane interactions both in vitro and in vivo are highly appreciated.

Publications:e.g. Schneider et al., 2014 J. Cell Biol.

Homepage: http://www.biochemie.uniklinikum-jena.de/biochemie/en/Biochemistry+I.html

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