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Publish date: 93 / 12 / 03 | Rating: Article Rating

The Department of Infectious Diseases / Molecular Virology of the University Hospital Heidelberg

1 PhD / Doctoral Student

Within the new research project “Visualisation of Hepatitis B Virus entry and spread” of the SFB 1129 „Integrative Analysis of Pathogen – Replication and Spread“ we are looking for One PhD student

The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis B. Presently 350 million people suffer from chronic hepatitis B and are prone to develop HBV-associated liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Therapies for chronically infected patients are limited and in the majority of cases non-curative. Despite this medical burden, the viral life cycle, especially the early events of HBV infection, receptor-mediated entry, mem-brane fusion, delivery of the DNA-containing nucleocapsid to the nucleus and replication, are only partially understood. The recent identification of sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) as the long-sought HBV receptor opens a new area in HBV research.

Job Description:
Educated in molecular cell biology he/she will focus on the purification and labelling of viral particles and on establishing the necessary high-resolution fluorescent imaging techniques. He/she will further generate HBV/HDV susceptible cell lines expressing the tagged variants of the labelled NTCP-fusion receptors and mutants thereof, perform live co-imaging of viral lig-ands and virions and will perform treatment with drugs interfering with different endocytic pathways.

Profile of candidate’s qualification:
- diploma/master in biology, molecular medicine, or biotechnology or a related discipline
- strong background in molecular biology, cell biology, and/or virology
- profound interest in hepatitis research
- experimental experience in mammalian cell culture is required

How to apply: Please send your applications including a letter of interest/motivation,
your CV and 2 references (addresses or letters) to

Prof. Dr. Stephan Urban
Department of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology
University Hospital Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345
69120 Heidelberg
homepage https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/Molecular-Virology.104862.0.html

Prof. Dr. Stephan Urban
Zentrum für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie

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