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Publish date: 93 / 12 / 13 | Rating: Article Rating


PhD student in Tumor Immunology: Frankfurt, Germany

The Institute of Biochemistry I, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Faculty of Medicine, Germany offers a

PhD scholarship

within the PhD program “Eicosanoid and sphingolipid signalling pathways in inflammation cancer and vascular diseases” funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation. The scholarship is available from April 2015.

Beside working on her/his research project that aims to identify sources and targets of mPGES-1-derived PGE2 in breast cancer, the student will attend a three-year study program, taught in English, that includes seminars, lab and soft-skill courses as well as summer and winter schools.

We are looking for a highly-motivated candidate with a Master’s degree in Life Sciences, Veterinary Medicine or Medicine, who has an active interest in Immunology and Oncology. We expect excellent team working, as well as written and spoken English skills. Experience in laboratory animal handling is highly welcome.

We would be happy to receive your full CV, a brief outline of research competence, and names of potential references under the following address.

Dr. A. Weigert, Institute of Biochemistry I, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt/Main, Germany, weigert@biochem.uni-frankfurt.de

Don't forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.

Job details

Employer:Andreas Weigert, Institute of Biochemistry I, Faculty of Medicine, Goethe-University Frankfurt

Location:Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany

Expires:March 15, 2015

Job type:PhD Studentship


Qualifications:Postgraduate - Master's degree

Employment type:Temporary

Job hours:Full-time

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