Ultra-structural analyses of large DNA viruses and protein complexes (Heidelberg)
We are looking for a POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW to join the group of Jacomine Krijnse-Locker who is moving to the Pasteur Institute, Paris, in May 2015. You will work on the EM characterization of large DNA viruses, in particular their membrane biogenesis (Chlanda et al., Cell Host Microbe 6, 81-90). The work predominantly involves state-of the art EM techniques, such as electron tomography, focused ion beam SEM, cryo-EM of infected cells, viruses and protein complexes. The fellow will be embedded in the ‘plat-forme de microscopie ultrastructurale’ of Pasteur that comprises two high-resolution TEMs, one devoted for cryo-EM, one FIB-SEM, one cryo-SEM. Expertise in their use, in image analyses and sample preparation techniques is provided by the PFMU-staff. We are looking for a fellow with a keen interest in EM-techniques and previous EM experience is an advantage. Starting date of the fellow is from June 2015, for 3 years and salary is according to routines of the Pasteur insti!
Deadline: Please sent your application at the latest by March 31 2015, with CV, list of publications, a summary your previous experience and motivation (no more than one page) as well as the names and contacts of three referees.
Contact details:
Applications should be sent as email attachment (ONE MERGED PDF) to
Jacomine Krijnse Locker
EM core facility Heidelberg university
Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
69120 Heidelberg
Jacomine Krijnse Locker
EM core facility, Uni Heidelberg