As part of a DFG-project on Saxon Cochlear Implant Centre in Dresden in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig the following position is available:Scientific / r staff / f (E13 TV-L, 65%)
The point is awarded for three years. A promotion within the project is encouraged.
The project is located at the interface between basic research and clinical application. The cochlear implant (CI) enables highly deafened or hard of hearing patients hearing in all language-relevant frequency ranges. However, in order to understand language, it requires more complex learning and adaptation services that have been extensively studied. This understanding speech with CI underlying cognitive processes are the subject of the research project. These are behavioral data, diffusion-weighted MRI data (DTI) and in particular electrophysiological data (ERPs) are collected and related to each other.
Requirements are a university degree in psychology, biology, neuroscience and related fields. Desirable are the following:
- Interest in the topics of neural plasticity and language
- Experience in the recording and analysis of EEG
and / or MRI / DTI data
- Very good knowledge of statistical methods and
- Programming experience
For more information, please contact Dr. Anja Hahne (; Tel :0351-4587048 Applications including the usual documents please until 31.05.2012 by email to the address listed