Postdoctoral Research Scientist: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Starting Salary from £30,000 to £39,800 (Depending on experience)
Initial 4 year fixed term contract
Identifying the hierarchy of regenerative hepatocytes in the adult liver Dr T.G. Bird
Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute in Glasgow is one of Europe's leading cancer research centres. It supports cutting edge research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer development and tissue regeneration. The Institute provides an outstanding research environment, underpinned by state-of-the-art core services and advanced technologies with special emphasis on in vivo transgenic models.
A motivated individual is sought for this post, funded through a 4 year Wellcome Trust grant (P.I. Dr T.G. Bird), to investigate how regeneration is specified to distinct subpopulations of hepatocytes in the liver. Following an initial phase of identifying and characterising these populations, the roles of liver zonation and of Wnt and TWEAK pathway interactions in specifying regenerative potential will be studied using cutting edge transgenic models. Work will involve close collaboration with the laboratory of Prof O. Sansom.
We seek a talented and motivated post-doctoral scientist with a relevant PhD, ideally with experience in transgenic model development and experimentation, together with biological imaging and image analysis. Candidates with a strong experience in cell biology will also be considered.
To find out more about this unique opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher to establish advanced skills and expertise in the exciting field of liver regeneration please contact Dr Tom Bird by email on t.bird@beatson.gla.ac.uk.
All applications must be made via our website at http://www.beatson.gla.ac.uk/recruitment/postdoctoral-fellows/
Closing date for applications: 27 July 2015
Don't forget to mention Naturejobs when applying
Job details
Employer:Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute in Glasgow
Location:Glasgow, United Kingdom
Expires:July 27, 2015
Job type:Postdoctoral
Salary:$30,000 - $39,800
Qualifications:Postgraduate - Doctorate/PhD
Employment type:Contract
Job hours:Unspecified