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Publish date: 91 / 07 / 22 | Rating: Article Rating

The project is funded by the DFG-funded priority program 1623 "Chemoselective reactions for the synthesis and application of functional proteins." The hiring is to be filled immediately.
The Priority Programme 1623 supports research projects that deal with chemical methods for the preparation of functional proteins. This highly topical subject, new method for important biological questions will be developed through a combination of chemoselective reactions and modern molecular biology techniques.
Wombacher The Lab is working to develop such chemical tools for the study of cellular processes. We use and develop "chemical tags" to mark and modification of biomolecules in living cells. The research is interdisciplinary in the field of chemical biology. The work involves chemical aspects, use of molecular biological techniques, and work with cell cultures and fluorescence microscopy. The ideal candidate should possess a strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry or chemistry, and scientific curiosity and interest in interdisciplinary research. If interested, please contact with your application documents (CV, references) to the contacts listed below.
(Contact: Dr. Richard Wombacher: wombacher@uni-heidelberg.de)

Selected publications:
Wombacher R, Heidbreder M, van de Linde S, Sheetz MP, Heilemann M, Cornish VW, Sauer M. Live-cell super-resolution imaging with trimethoprim conjugates. Nature Methods 2010, 7, 717-9.
AA Hoskins, LJ Friedman, SS Gallagher, DJ Crawford, EC Anderson, R. Wombacher, N. Ramirez, VW Cornish, J. Gelles and MJ Moore: "Ordered and dynamic assembly of single spliceosomes", Science 2011, 331, 1289-95.
Review article:
R. Wombacher and VW Cornish: "Chemical tags: Applications in live cell fluorescence imaging," J Biophotonics 2011, 4, 391-402. (Editor's choice: free online access)

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