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Publish date: 91 / 07 / 23 | Rating: Article Rating

Two PhD positions in Biochemistry/Cell Biology/Biotechnology are available immediately in the research group of Sebastian Springer at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany.

The focus of the project is the development of novel optical assays in cell culture supernatants for the detection of metabolites such as proteins or lipopolysaccharides. We will explore the use of polyelectrolyte microcapsules as carriers for antibodies and other detectors, with the long-term goal of developing a real-time monitoring system for a variety of substances.

For these positions, a degree (PhD for the postdoc, MSc or equivalent for the PhD students) in biophysics, biochemistry, or biotechnology with a laboratory-based thesis is required. We look for coworkers who are ambitious, energetic, creative, and independent. The two holders of the positions will cooperate on the project in collaboration with the Winterhalter group at Jacobs University, and the group of Gerd KlÃļck at Hochschule Bremen.

The Springer (biochemistry, http://www.jacobs-university.de/springerlab) and Winterhalter (biophysics, http://www.faculty.jacobs-university.de/mwinterhalter/) groups have worked together for several years to develop substance delivery and detection methods for mammalian cells (see Small 6 (2010), p. 2412). We work closely together with biophysicists and computational biologists in the interdisciplinary work environment of Jacobs University, and with our many collaborators.

Jacobs University is a private research and teaching university. Our life sciences laboratories have state-of-the-art equipment for research in biochemistry, cell biology, and biophysics. There are about 15 research groups in the life sciences with about 75 PhD students. The campus is an exciting English-language environment with undergraduate and graduate students from 80 nations. More information can be found at http://www.jacobs-university.de.

Bremen is a beautiful and vibrant port city in the North of Germany, close to the North Sea. It is a good place to live since there is a lot to do, and the cost of living is very reasonable.

The posts are limited to three years. Review of the applications will begin immediately. The advertisement is valid until December 31, 2012. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Formal approval of our funds is prerequisite to appointment.

Informal enquiries and written applications (including a CV and a statement of motivation) should be directed to:

Prof. Sebastian Springer, Jacobs University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, D-28757 Bremen, Germany.

E-mail: b.borchert@jacobs-university.de .

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  • Two PhD Positions Biochemistry/Cell Biology/Biotechnology (Bremen, Germany)
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