PhD positions in Experimental Neonatology (Hannover)
The research group headed by Prof. Dr. Dorothee Viemann has two open PhD positions in projects entitled “Endogenous alarmins determine successful gut colonization by warranting immune tolerance” and “Elucidation of the regulatory role of alarmin-mediated stress tolerization for the susceptibility of neonates to systemic infections”.
PhD Studentships in Experimental Neonatology
The positions are open for two years initially with intended extension to three years.
Our group explores the molecular mechanisms that determine the maturity of the innate immune system and regulate infectious susceptibility and environmental tolerance in newborns. Thereby we focus on monocytes and macrophages of different origins and investigate the role of myeloid derived S100 proteins (MRPs).
Aim of the German Research Association (DFG) funded project is to explore the dependence of the immune response of human neonatal phagocytes upon bacterial infection on prior endogenous stress-tolerization through the alarmins S100A8/S100A9 in vitro and in a murine model of neonatal sepsis.
The other translational project is funded by the VolkswagenStiftung and will investigate the dependence of intestinal bacterial colonization of human and murine newborns on prior endogenous stress-tolerization and the therapeutic potential of S100A8/S100A9 to induce intestinal tolerance and to promote gut colonization.
We expect:
Applicants should hold a master or diploma degree in biology, biochemistry, or molecular life sciences.
Expertise in molecular biological techniques.
Basics in rodent models are required including FELASA accreditation.
Experiences in mammalian cell culture and cell isolation techniques are desired.
The applicant should be highly motivated, able to work in a young team and be fluent in English.
We offer:
Exciting research projects with high medical relevance.
A stimulating research environment and state-of-the-art lab facilities in the Pediatric Research Center.
Methods and models already established in our group as a starting point.
High potential for further methodical development and exchange of ideas.
How to apply:
Candidates should send or mail their complete application until January 14th, 2015 (CV, University degree certificates, motivation letter, references, and summary of diploma or master thesis) to Prof. Dr. med. Dorothee Viemann, Hannover Medical School, Pediatric Research Center, I10, Experimental Neonatology, Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1, D-30625 Hannover (
Dorothee Viemann
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover