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Publish date: 95 / 03 / 05 | Rating: Article Rating


PhD position - Innate Immunity against HIV (Essen)

At the Institute for Virology  of the University of Duisburg-Essen (Campus Essen) is one doctoral position available.


We are seeking for a Ph.D. student (master in Biology, Biochemistry or Medical Biology) with a fundamental interest in biomedicine and a background in virology and/or immunology. Experience in immunological, virological and/or molecular biology techniques would be welcome. Start of the project should be in August 2016.

Our work is focussed on the interaction of retroviruses with cells of the immune system and how this can be modulated by type I interferons (https://www.uni-due.de/virologie/forschung.php). The experimental model is the infection of primary human cells with Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The aim of the project is to understand how type I interferons can differentially regulate innate immune responses against HIV. This knowledge should be utilized to develop new therapeutic approaches against retroviral infections.

The salary is commensurate with 65% TVL E13 and the appointment is for 3 years. The doctorate will have the opportunity of membership within the Graduate School of Biomedical Science (BIOME) and thus benefit from its structured Ph.D. lecture and seminar program as well as having interdisciplinary interaction with other graduates within the BIOME network. For details see: http://www.uni-due.de/biome/. He/She should have excellent communication skills in English.


Interested candidates should fill in the application form on: https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/virologie/application_form.doc and send it together with copies of all their university degrees in a single pdf file to Kathrin.gibbert@uni-due.de by June 15th 2016.

Dr. Kathrin Gibbert

Institut fĆ¼r Virologie

UniversitƤtsklinikum Essen

UniversitƤt Duisburg-Essen


45122 Essen

Tel: 0201-72383250

Email: Kathrin.gibbert@uni-due.de

Kathrin Gibbert


UniversitƤt Duisburg-Essen



Ansprechpartner: Kathrin Gibbert, Kathrin.gibbert@uni-due.de

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