Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Infection Biology and Molecular Infection Medicine at Umea University, Sweden (Sweden)
Several positions/fellowships are open for candidates interested in doing postdoctoral research in the highly interactive and multidisciplinary research environment – Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) at Umeå University, Sweden. UCMR includes The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) – the Swedish node of The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
MIMS-UCMR researchers combine a strong molecular infection biology programme with chemical biology to clarify molecular mechanisms of microbial infections and aim to develop novel sustainable strategies to combat the increasing problems with microbial resistance to current antibiotics. We aim to recruit new postdoctoral scientists with competence and ideas that will strengthen the research environment and contribute to its renewal.
The programme is open to all nationalities and features of the positions include:
• Development of a project proposal forms the basis for recruitment
• Funding for research within a multidisciplinary environment
• Two years of secure funding for a full-time position
• Access to MIMS-UCMR core facilities and technical platforms.
Applicants should have a PhD degree in a field relevant for the position preferably completed within the past three years.
The number of positions that will be filled is not predetermined but can be a maximum of nine.
Applications should be submitted by 15 August 2016.
Visit for application details!
Eva-Maria Diehl
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden MIMS
Umeå University, Sweden
Ansprechpartner: Eva-Maria Diehl,