Postdoc (Innsbruck, Austria)
Our laboratory at the Biocenter of the Medical University Innsbruck ( is investigating the role of BCL2 and Caspase-regulated cell death signalling in lymphocyte development, transformation and drug resistance. For detailed information, please see, e.g. Labi et al. Genes & Dev, 2010; Blood, 2014; Haschka et al. Nat. Communication, 2015; Tuzlak et al. Genes & Dev. 2016; Manzl et al. JCB, 2009; CDD 2012).
We are currently looking for a postdoctoral fellow whose interest and expertise combines two fields, cell death and cell cycle control. The candidate should have experience in cell biology, imaging/microscopy and biochemistry/proteomics.
What we can offer is the opportunity to work in an internationally recognized research team, excellent infrastructure, a great environment in an highly attractive location as well as a two year contract with the possiblity for extention, based on the conditions of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). English is our working language.
If interested, please forward your CV, two letters of recommendation and/or the contact details of two scientists who can be contacted for further reference to
Andreas Villunger
Medical University Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria
Ansprechpartner: Andreas Villunger