PhD Position in Collaborative Research Center 807 "Transport and Communication across Biological Membranes"
The Institute of Biophysical Chemistry (IBPC) at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main offers research opportunities in the biochemical and structural characterization of pharmaceutically relevant membrane proteins. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with international partners from Academia and Industry. Focus will be the characterization of human G-protein coupled receptors and cell-wall synthesizing enzymes implementing new key technologies in membrane protein research such as cell-free expression and nanodisc technologies. Successful candidates will become member of a newly funded research cluster ( combining 17 research groups from University and Max-Planck-Institutes. The PhD students will further have the opportunity to participate in the SFB807 associated integrated research training group "TRAM" offering individual mentoring concepts as well as scientific education and transferable skills training. Active participation in scientific !
retreats and conferences is highly encouraged.
Applicants should hold a diploma or master in biology or biochemistry together with a sound background in molecular biology and in standard biochemical techniques. Experience with membrane proteins will be a clear advantage but is not mandatory.
The IBPC is located at the biocenter of the Goethe-University Frankfurt (Campus Riedberg) which provides excellent facilities for membrane protein research. The Campus Riedberg is a dynamic centre for life sciences research with an international and highly interactive scientific community. The campus hosts several science clusters like the Centre of Membrane Proteomics (, the Cluster of Excellence "Macromolecular Complexes" ( and the Centre of Biomolecular Resonance ( The IBPC operates an European Large Scale NMR facility and it is core centre of the INSTRUCT (Integrated Biology, www.structuralbiology,eu) community providing cell-free expression platforms. We offer competitive salary and a highly interacting scientific community.
Applications containing a detailed CV including abstracts of the diploma thesis, method profile and description of research experience and interests should be send by email to:
Dr. Frank Bernhard, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, University of Frankfurt
Frank Bernhard
Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
Ansprechpartner: Frank Bernhard,