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Publish date: 96 / 05 / 24 | Rating: Article Rating


Master position investigating effects of nuclear actin dynamics in T cells on gene expression and Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection (Heidelberg, Germany)

The Center for Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology, University of Heidelberg, Germany offers a position for a

Master student

Starting summer/fall 2017

in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler.

T cell activation involves triggering of a signalling cascade at the plasma membrane that is converted into a specialized gene expression programme. We recently identified that this response critically depends on the dynamic formation of a network of actin filaments in the nucleus that is essential for T helper cell function in vivo and we are looking for interested candidates at the level of master and PhD students to expand this line of research. Future steps in this project will include (i) dissecting the molecular mechanisms that govern nuclear actin dynamics following T cell activation, (ii) defining how nuclear actin dynamics drives expression of a selective set of target genes, and (iii) assessing the role of these filaments in the context of infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. We will also assess whether similar nuclear actin filaments are involvement in related signalling cascades.
The focus of these analyses will be on cell biology approaches involving various microscopy techniques but the project will also apply molecular biology techniques (gene silencing, generation of stable cell lines by lentiviral transduction, gene expression analyses) and biochemical approaches (e.g. nuclear-cytoplasm fractionation; protein-protein and protein-DNA interaction studies).
We offer an international and highly interactive environment to address a project at the interface of immunology, cell biology and virology. We are searching for highly motivated candidates with genuine curiosity and passion for science. September 2017 is the earliest possible starting date for this position. Please send your applications until August 20 to:

Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler
Center for Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324
69120 Heidelberg
phone:   ++49- (0)6221-56-1322
fax:    ++49- (0)6221-56-5003
Email:  oliver_fackler@med.uni-heidelberg.de
homepage http://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/Fackler.6555.0.html

Prof. Oliver Fackler
Center for Infectious Diseases, University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany

Ansprechpartner: Oliver Fackler, Oliver.Fackler@med.uni-heidelberg.de

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