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Publish date: 92 / 01 / 17 | Rating: Article Rating

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Molecular Pathogenesis of Male Reproductive Disorders” (Internationales Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1871), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), offers from 15.05.2013

8 Doctoral positions

The IRTG is located at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (JLU) and Monash University , Melbourne, Australia. Advertised positions will commence at JLU Giessen.

We offer a challenging scientific co-operative programme flanked with an educational programme comprising of lab technique courses, a seminar series, progress meeting, extended stays in the international partner laboratories and a visiting professors programme.

Special highlights of the IRTG are:
- Above average salary TV-H 13 (65 %) for PhD students
- Opportunity for an exchange to the international partner for 1 year
- Award of double badged doctoral or PhD-title is planned for successful applicants

The duration of the offered positions (TVöD E 13/2) is around three years (extension possible).

8 Doctoral projects in the following groups are offered:

Project P1 _(JLU: M. Bergmann, K. Steger – MU: M. O’Bryan, L. O’Donnell):_ Hypospermatogenesis in mice and men: investigations on two mouse models and human testicular biopsies with defective male germ cell differentiation.
Project _P2 (JLU: M. Bergmann, W. Weidner, H.C. Schuppe – MU: K. Loveland, M. Hedger):_ Human testis cancer control by local factors; interrogation of Hedgehog and activin signalling pathways and immune cells.
Project P3 _(JLU: L. Konrad, S. Galuska – MU: K. Loveland, C. Itman):_ Hormones, BMPs, activins and TGFßs – How do they cooperate in the testis?
Project P4 _(JLU: W. Weidner, T. Diemer – MU: P. Stanton, R. McLachlan, A. Stephens):_ Testicular interstitial fluid proteomics as a means to monitor fertility status in azoospermic men.
Project P5 _(JLU: F. Wagenlehner, U. Schagdarsurengin, W. Weidner – MU: S. Ellem, G. Risbridger):_ Inflammatory prostatitis syndrome in fertile and infertile men: Role of estrogen receptors, mast cell activity and inflammation of the seminal pathways.
Project P6 _(JLU: R. Middendorff – MU: G. Risbridger, S. Ellem, R. Taylor):_ Hormonal Regulation of cGMP Pathways in the Prostate – Impact for Sperm Transport and Fertility.
Project P7 _(JLU: M. Fijak, S. Bhushan – MU: M. Hedger, D. de Kretser, K. Loveland):_ Restoration of fertility in chronic testicular inflammation by blocking activin bioactivity: effect of exogenous follistatin on duration of inflammatory response, testicular impairment and germ cell recovery.
Project P8 (JLU: T. Linn – MU: M. Hedger, D. de Kretser):_ Glycation adducts in sperm and activin regulation of inflammation induced by diabetes.

M.Sc., German Diploma degree or Honours equivalent in any life sciences or related fields that allows to obtain PhD-degree. Personal initiative, creativity, teamwork and good English language skills and background in science are expected.

Additional information can be obtained under:
http://www.uni-giessen.de/stellenmarkt/pdf/stelle0006702.pdf and

Application Guidelines:
- Indicate your project of interest in the subject field.
- Required documents: curriculum vitae, photo, references, certificates (English or German), letter of motivation (Motivation letter should state desired research area. If interested in more than one project, motivation for each project needs to be addressed in the motivation letter.)
- Non adherence to the formal requirements will cause automatic exclusion from the application process.
- Application deadline: 18.04.2013

Applications can be submitted as follows (Hardcopies are preferred over electronic submissions.):

By Post:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meinhardt, JLU Giessen, Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Aulweg 123, 35392 Giessen, Germany

By E-Mail (All above mentioned documents need to be combined into one single PDF-file):

Additional option:
Monash PhD student scholarships are available through the normal Monash University competitive application process and applicants should be discussed with the Monash supervisors prior to proceeding

Related Images
  • 8 Doctoral Positions : Giessen, Germany
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