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Publish date: 96 / 08 / 02 | Rating: Article Rating


PhD student positions at IMPRS NeuroCom (Leipzig)

The International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity (IMPRS NeuroCom) (http://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/home) offers several positions for excellent students holding a master's degree (or equivalent) to perform research resulting in a PhD in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. The IMPRS NeuroCom is based at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig and Leipzig University and also involves the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, and the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University College London, UK.

Deadline for applications is 1 December 2017. Interviews will take place in March 2018. Starting date is flexible, but not later than autumn 2018.

The IMPRS NeuroCom aims to recruit and educate motivated, self-organized young scientists who wish to extend their knowledge and research experience in a structured 3-year PhD program, in order to pursue a successful career in cognitive neuroscience. The school is intended for students holding an excellent master's degree (or equivalent) in a wide spectrum of potential disciplines such as cognitive neuroscience, psychology, medicine, neurobiology, linguistics, computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics, biochemistry, or related fields. The university degree should be awarded by an internationally recognized university-level institution. Students near the completion of their master’s degree are also eligible to apply. Research experience in an area that is related to the graduate school’s scope is essential for successful candidates. Proficiency in oral and written English is mandatory.

The IMPRS NeuroCom offers its doctoral students outstanding research opportunities in a very international and multidisciplinary environment with access to state-of-the-art cognitive and imaging neuroscience equipment, e.g. 7T MRI scanner, four 3T MRI scanners including a “connectome scanner† equipped with ultrastrong gradients (one of only three world-wide), a 306 channels MEG system, several TMS, TDCS, NIRS, and EEG systems.

Applications will be evaluated by IMPRS NeuroCom faculty members. Interview selection is based on academic qualifications, personal references, research experience and interests, and suitability to the program. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. The Max Planck society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.

PhD students at IMPRS NeuroCom will receive funding based on the guidelines for German public services.
For more information about our graduate school please visit: http://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/home/

Please see http://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/home/applications for details and use http://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/home/applications/how-to-apply/registration-form for your application.
For further information please contact Dr. Veronika Krieghoff:  vkrieghoff@cbs.mpg.de

Dr Veronika Krieghoff
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Ansprechpartner: Veronika Krieghoff, vkrieghoff@cbs.mpg.de


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