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Publish date: 92 / 11 / 19 | Rating: Article Rating


Postdoc Stelle in Angiogenese und Inflammation in Harvard (Boston, USA)

Postdoctoral fellow position in angiogenesis and inflammation at Harvard

Laboratory of Angiogenesis and Inflammation, Dr. Alexander G. Marneros,
 Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston

We are using genetic mouse models to investigate molecular mechanisms in postnatal angiogenesis in several pathological processes, particularly in age-related macular degeneration models. A focus in the laboratory is to study the role of inflammatory cells for abnormal blood vessel formation.
Conditional gene targeting strategies in mice and in vitro analyses are used to precisely determine mechanisms in pathological blood vessel formation and the contributions of distinct cell populations during this process. We recently identified a novel mouse model of age-related macular degeneration that allows us to determine now molecular mechanisms involved (Cell Reports, 2013; Am J Path, 2013).
Required profile:

- Ph.D. with strong background in molecular biology; at least one first-author publication

- Experience in working with mice
- Ability to work independently within a dynamic team

- Able to start position ASAP
lab website: http://www.massgeneral.org/research/researchlab.aspx?id=1076
Interested candidates should send the CV and references to Alexander G. Marneros, M.D., Ph.D., Email:  alexander_marneros@yahoo.com

Alexander Marneros
Harvard Medical School/MGH
Boston, USA

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