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(آرشیو سال 1391)
Postdoc / PhD student -Berlin
Responsibilities: Scientific work in the field of complex trait analysis in animal genetics; generation and analysis of data in a project on epigenetic effects on body composition in a mouse model for obesity.
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PhD student position in Wuerzburg -Wuerzburg
PhD student in transcriptional control of the cell cycle and genomic instability
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Postdoctoral Position - Cancer biology : Cambridge, MA, United States
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in cancer biology supported by a NIH/NCI training grant is immediately available at Harvard School of Public Health:
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Postdoc in chromatin biology/ posttranslational modifications -Essen
DescriptionApplications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher position in the lab of Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen. The successful candidate will conduct competitive research on epigenetic modifications of centromeric histone H3 in yeast (Samel et al, PNAS 2012). The...
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2 year Postdoc Position Innate Immunity Tuebingen
Pattern recognition receptors (PRR) constitute one of the most exciting and promising new areas of immunological research due to their pivotal role within the innate immune system. PRRs are the key sensors of microbial and endogenous danger signals and are able to initiate immediate innate immune re...
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Opportunities for PhD/Postdoc applicants -Esch/Homburg/Magdeburg/US
Job opportunities arising at Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) and collaborating institutionsAt the LCSB and at collaborating partner institutions several opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral candidates are up-coming for talented and motivated people.
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MS & PhD positions available, Osaka University, Japan -Osaka, Japan
In the laboratory of Biomolecular Science and Engineering there are open positions for students who want to obtain a MS (2 years course) or PhD degree (3 years course) from the Osaka University, Japan.
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Research Technician (Biomedical AnalytikerIn) -Innsbruck
Research Technician -BMA
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Molecular analysis of transcription factor found in the Herzentwic Klung in mice -Hanover
At the Institute of Molecular Biology, Hannover Medical School invites applications for two positions in scientific or Diplomand-en/innen MasterStudent-en/innen are too occupied to a doctorate.
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Research Associate - Postdoc, TV-L E13- Hanover
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology at Hannover Medical School (MHH), the next available date is the post / position of Researcher / in (Postdoc, TV-L E13) to occupy.
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