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(آرشیو سال 1391)
  A  New Opportunity in Heidelberg University
SFB 1036 provides funding for 17 research groups of the Heidelberg Life Science Campus (faculties of Biosciences and Medicine, German Cancer Research Center and European Molecular Biology Laboratory) with the objective to explore the molecular mechanisms driving and coordinating cellular quality con...
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PostDoc - Massenspektrometrie,Proteomics, Metaproteomics
The research of the group is focussed on the development of novel methods for protein- and proteome analytics (identification, quantification, posttranslational modifications, mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography) and the application of these methods on biomedical projects within the Cluster of ...
Rating: Article Rating
Doctoral position (Ph.D. or Dr. biol. hom.) Giessen
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common degenerative joint disease. The prevalence of OA is worldwide affecting millions of patients who suffer from pain, stiffness and dysfunction of joints. Currently no effective therapies are available to stop or slow down the disease progression and finall...
Rating: Article Rating
Ph.D. on Immunologi​cal Memory in Sepsis
The Ph.D. candidate will elucidate how sepsis impinges on cellular an humoral immunological memory. The project is part of the Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC, http://www.cscc.uniklinikum-jena.de/cscc/en/CSCC-p-7.html) at the Jena University Hospital (JUH) and the School of Medicine of the ...
Rating: Article Rating
Project Officer/PhD students-Singapore
Prospective applicants need to demonstrate high motivation and keen interest in neurobiological research of stress/ resilience. The successful candidate should be familiar or willing to learn animal handling, cell culture and molecular biology techniques. Prior experience with rodent behavior will b...
Rating: Article Rating
PhD Positions in Molecular Life Sciences, Bioinformatics and Biophysics *Wien
Vienna: a living space for science Von: Gerlinde Aschauer positions@mfpl.ac.at Max F. Perutz Laboratories Wien Ansprechpartner: Gerlinde Aschauer; positions@mfpl.ac.at
Rating: Article Rating
International PhD Program Molecular Cell Biology, Berlin
On joining the Helmholtz Graduate School for Molecular Cell Biology at the MDC, PhD students receive interdisciplinary training in Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine and may join the special research schools in Molecular Neurobiology (MolNeuro), Translational Cardiovascular Medicine (...
Rating: Article Rating
PhD position in cell biology *Halle
The project is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is part of the graduate school GRK 1591 “Posttranscriptional control of gene expression - mechanisms and role in pathogenesis” (further information at: http://www.medizin.uni-halle.de/index.php?id=786). This graduate sc...
Rating: Article Rating
Postdoc *Salzburg, Austria
Candidates: • should have a strong background in cell biology, and either expertise in infection biology, or in molecular aspects of signal transduction • are expected to be independent, scientific-orientated and self- motivated • must have received their Ph.D. within the last f...
Rating: Article Rating
Ph.D. position at the interface between cell biology, molecular biology and biophysics ***Karlsruhe
Qualifications: Applicants must have a Masters or Diplom degree in biology, biochemistry or a related discipline. The successful candidate will have a sound understanding and practical experience in cell and molecular biology. Knowledge relevant to biophysical measurement techniques is of advantage...
Rating: Article Rating
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