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(آرشیو سال 1392)
The Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center CIC nanoGUNE (www.nanogune.eu) invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the field of materials research and development. The prospective candidate will work in the field of vapor phase coatings, specifically by atomic layer deposition (ALD), wi...
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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE / Design and execute innovative, rational experimental approaches to define the biological role of novel targets in metabolic disordersEstablish ex vivo/ in vitro models relevant to insulin signaling.
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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE / The Institute of Virology at the University Duisburg-Essen / University Hospital Essen is looking for a highly motivated candidate for a PhD program within the German-Chinese Transregio 60:„Mutual Interaction of Chronic Viruses with Cells of the Immune System: From Fundamental Rese...
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www.nature.com/naturejobs / The German Cancer Research Center is the largest biomedical research institution in Germany. With more than 2,600 employees, we operate an extensive scientific program in the field of cancer research.
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www.nature.com/naturejobs/ Postdoctoral positions are available to study ubiquitin pathway in immune regulation and inflammation using mouse models of cancer at the Baylor Institute for Immunology Research and the Sammons cancer center. The project involves cellular and molecular immunology, protei...
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www.nature.com/naturejobs/ A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Bin Zheng at the Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Our laboratory is interested in both basic and translational research on mechanisms of metab...
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Postdoctoral Position in Neurosciences : Paris, France
www.nature.com/naturejobs A postdoctoral position is available at the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM) research center in Paris, France (http://icm-institute.org). ICM is a new institute devoted to basic and clinical research in neuroscience, located on the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Campus in...
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PhD / Diploma / Master student positions
SCIENCE-JOBS-DESignaling mechanisms governing stem cellsSignaling mechanisms governing stem cells
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Genetics of non-smoker chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD):Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders, short COPD is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide and very often a pre-stage for lung carcinogenesis as it promotes chronic inflammation, emphysema, dysplasia, adenomas and adenocarcin...
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Karolinska Institutet, Dept. of Biosciences and NutritionThe Department of Biosciences and Nutrition performs research and education in areas of medical science including molecular endocrinology, cancer biology, functional genomics, systems biology, epigenetics, structural biochemistry, cellular vir...
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