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PhD  Position "BIOACID WP 1-9"(Kiel, Germany)
The GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel is one of the Federal Republic of Germany (90%) and the State of Schleswig-Holstein (10%), jointly funded public foundation and is one of the leading institutions in the field of marine research. The GEOMAR currently has an annual budget of appr...
Rating: Article Rating
The regulation of Notch Signaling by EGFL7 (Mainz)
The Notch signalling pathway governs metazoan development, as Notch receptors and their cognate ligands submit decisions of cell fates between neighbouring cells and thereby regulate the development of organisms. The Notch pathway is among the most important pathways during developmental processes. ...
Rating: Article Rating
Post-doctoral research position in reporter gene development for preclinical photoacoustic imaging (Berlin)
Applications are invited for post-doctoral researchers with a degree in biochemistry or biotechnology (with experience in molecular biology) to join the Photoacoustic Imaging Lab at the Julius Wolff Institute of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The primary role of the position w...
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PhD fellowship in Proteomics (Freiburg, Germany)
The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB) invites applications for a PhD student fellowship in the Laboratory of Dr. Gerhard Mittler (Proteomics Research Facility). Funding will be provided for the complete period of the PhD (3-4 years). The labo...
Rating: Article Rating
PhD position in Molecular Medicine (Halle)
A PhD position is available at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Pathobiochemistry at the Medical Faculty of the University of Halle. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a strong interest in cell biology, molecular biology and protein biochemistry. The project focuses on the fu...
Rating: Article Rating
Inhibition of norepinephrine-induced metastasis formation by beta-blockers
At the Institute of Immunology at the University of Witten / Herdecke, the site of a / a science PhD / is in (Dr. rer. Nat.) To be filled as soon as possible. The focus of the Working Group "Signal transduction of cell migration", Institute of Immunology, the comparative study of the intracellula...
Rating: Article Rating
PhD position - molecular evolution of sex determining genes in social hymenoptera (University of Cologne, Institute of Genetics) (Koeln)
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to study the population dynamic and molecular evolution of sex determining genes in social hymenoptera (honey and bumble bees). Understanding the evolutionary forces and processes that have led to the fascinating (single locus) sex determining ...
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Evaluation of different tree species and their origins to its future suitability
The Department of Ökoklimatologie is looking for a highly motivated PhD student (m / f) for the evaluation of different tree species and their origins to their future ability to weather extremes. The focus of the project is the investigation of effect of drought stress include on the pine pr...
Rating: Article Rating
BMG Research Project "hazards prediction for synthetic biology" (Berlin)
(BMG Research Project "hazards prediction for synthetic biology" (Berlin The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is the central research and reference institution of the Federation in the field of infectious diseases and other health risks (www.rki.de). In the junior group 4 "bioinformatics" We are lo...
Rating: Article Rating
Employee / he to GIS-based identification and characterization of HNV farming in Germany (Braunschweig)
At the Institute of Biodiversity, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, is the earliest possible time, temporary for a period of two years, a job as a scientific staff or Research Associate with the task of the GI...
Rating: Article Rating
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