We are looking for a person to join the research unit FOR2149 aiming at the "Elucidation of Adhesion GPCR signaling". This unit combines 8 labs in 4 cities utilizing a large variety of model systems (zebrafish, drosophila, C. elegans, mice) and technologies. The offered position is to elucidate the ...
The DZNE is a center of excellence within the Helmholtz Association that performs translational research on Neurodegenerative Diseases. The center includes nine sites in Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Göttingen, Magdeburg, Munich, Rostock/Greifswald, Tübingen and Witten.
The BIOCASCADES Marie Curie Innovative Training Network for European Industrial Doctorates (ITN-EID) is an interdisciplinary research training network of 7 universities and 5 industrial enterprises from 5 European countries. It is funded under the “Excellent Science” cluster of the EU’s Horizon 202...
he Washington University Thoracic Immunobiology Laboratory is seeking highly motivated postdoctoral fellows for basic and translational research projects in transplantation immunology. Our laboratory has pioneered mouse models of lung transplantation (J Clin Invest 2014) and developed approaches to...
The research group „Organ-specific Inflammation“ (Head: Prof. Dr. D. Schlüter) of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of the OvG University of Magdeburg offers aPhD position in Molecular Immunology
Students with a keen interest in biomedical sciences and a strong commitment to work in interdisciplinary research fields are invited to apply for one of our 16 vacant doctoral studentships.
Topic: PhD Thesis / dissertation: characterize novel cytoskeletal and membrane-Modulating effector proteins Involved in the development and adaptation of the plastic Morphologies and function of cells.
The research group translational bioinformatics in psychiatry is looking for aPost-doc (m/f)(full-time)with primary focus on multivariate statistics for identification and validation of multimodal signatures of psychiatric disorders. The position is initially limited to 2 years.
1 PhD position in Electron Microscopy / Neurobiology / Biochemistry in an internationally well-known research lab (Michael M. Kessels lab)(TV-L E13/2 - Project is funded by a DFG/RTG1715 grant to MMK for 3 years - extension possible)
The center of advanced european studies and research (caesar) in Bonn, Germany, is an asso-ciated Institute of the Max Planck Society, one of Europe's leading basic research organizations. About 80 Max Planck Institutes conduct basic research and are involved in more than 2,000 co-operations with ne...