Laboratory of Angiogenesis and Inflammation, Dr. Alexander G. Marneros,
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston
We are seeking for highly motivated PhD students holding a diploma or master degree in biochemistry, chemistry or biology.Our group is interested in cell biochemistry and mainly focusses on the biogenesis of peroxisomes in higher eukaryotes. This study aims to analyze the import of proteins into the...
Immediately or in the near future we are seeking a PhD-Student (m/f)to work on a project which(i) investigates - on a molecular and cellular level - the functions of an important regulatory protein within the soluble branch of the innate immune system (the complement system)(ii) utilises protein eng...
The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics conducts multidisciplinary research in biomedicine and education within biochemistry and biophysics. Presently our department consists of 11 research divisions with a total of approximately 300 employees. The Division of Vascular Biology provides...
Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral associate to work in the area of systems immunology. The focus of research will be on the development and application of methods to define temporal signatures of human infection and vaccination re...
We are currently seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral candidate to join the Group of Molecular Oncology at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, ( in January/February of 2014. The Vall d´Hebron Institute is a large multidisciplinary institution, with more ...
The Biological Psychology group at the Department of Psychology and Sports Science invites applications for a PhD position in cognitive neuroscience. The position is available from 1st April 2014 (starting date is flexible) through December 2017 and is funded by the project grant “The interaction of...
KIST Europe is an international research institute locatedon campus of the University of Saarland.To strengthen our research team, we are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD Students in the Laboratory of Nanomedicin of Convergence Bioscience Group.
The group of E. Schiebel ( is looking for a highly motivated PhD student with a strong background in biochemistry, cell biology or molecular biology.
The next PhD Program at CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in Vienna, starts in October 2014. We are looking for exceptionally motivated PhD candidates with a keen interest in genomics, medicine and working in teams.